For God Loveth a Cheerful Giver
Long ago, before email and texting, for a Relief Society calling I would regularly need to find a volunteer teacher for a lesson. I dreaded this assignment because from experience, I had learned that most sisters in the ward would rather chew glass than prepare and present a lesson and I was empathetic because I knew it wasn’t easy. One day when I called a sister with this request, I was completely surprised when she responded cheerfully, “I would be happy to teach the lesson! Thank you for asking me!” This was such a shock that after I finished the phone call, I just sat there and thought about what had just occurred. This sister without hesitation, no conditions, nor reservations, agreed happily and she ACTUALLY thanked me. As I thought of her, I knew that she had many reasons that could prevent her from serving, yet she chose to respond so readily and kindly.
This experience gave me a desire to be more like this sister and so I decided no matter how I felt about an assignment or request, I would try to respond the same way and with gratitude. Looking back, I can see how this opened so many more opportunities for me that I would have missed earlier due to my hesitation and desire for control. It can be the same for our missionaries.
When it is time for them to go home, I can see how each of their mission experiences are vastly different based upon how they approach personal change. Those who guard themselves and try to control the mission environment to meet their needs, finish with relief as if they are checking off a difficult duty. However, those who trust God and work through obstacles with learning, finish their missions with gratitude for the amazing opportunity to serve and they are sad to be done. The sooner missionaries figure this out, the happier they become. Self-protection is a good thing, but we need to make sure that we aren’t preventing what we truly want – personal growth and opportunities.
Here are a few of my favorite scriptures that express this idea:
Matt 16:25
25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
2 Cor 9:7
7…for God Loveth a Cheerful Giver.