Mighty Prayer
During this past General Conference, Tamara Runia spoke that to connect with heaven means “staying on our knees until our casual prayer turns mighty ” and President Nelson asked us to “Please don’t let your prayers sound like a shopping list.” Both these ideas came to my mind just before I knelt for my morning prayer last Monday and I admitted to myself that lately I had not been praying with real intent. I quickly rationalized that the reason my prayers sounded like a list was that I needed the same things every day. I knew that wasn’t true and it was time for me to refocus as I prayed.
I then started to pray and at first, it felt hollow as if I was talking to the wind, but when I continued and opened my heart, mind, and will to God, I began to feel like someone was actually listening. I then humbly expressed my worries and I asked for His help with these as well as several other specific tasks that needed to be done for the mission and my family at home. It seemed like enough work to fill a week, but as I spoke with transparency and humility, I felt a connection to God.
When I finished my prayer, I went into my office to begin the tasks at hand, not knowing where to start, but determined to try. As my day progressed, I was surprised that I could quickly solve problems that had vexed me for weeks and I was able to focus and be efficient even when things happened unexpectedly as they always do.
By day's end, with surprise, I was able to accomplish everything I needed to do and more. This has NEVER happened for me as a missionary!
BUT this is exactly what the prophet had promised all of us at the conference when he said, ”Our prayers can be—and should be—living discussions with our Heavenly Father.” And “His response to your prayers may surprise you …...”
That night I said a prayer of thanksgiving and I expressed gratitude for the many small miracles and for my beautiful experience because I felt God’s love for me personally.
In Mark 12:30 we are given the first commandment to “love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul, and with all they mind, and with all thy strength; There is nothing casual about this description of love, yet we often pray casually to our Heavenly Father. As a parent, I don’t feel loved when my kids call to complain or give me a list of desires. I feel loved when they share their lives with me through thoughtful communication. If we desire more than casual and general blessings in our lives, then we must change the way we pray so there is a discussion that reflects love, trust, and faith in our Heavenly Father.
Now as I go forward, I’m not expecting that same response every time I pray with real intent, but I have a stronger testimony that God does hear and answer our prayers. God knows you, and loves you, and wants to help and bless you. He wants you to feel happy and successful and he cares about the details of your life. When our prayers are casual, then our blessings are casual and it is as if we go about our lives in a fog, but when we take the savior’s yoke upon us and share our thoughts with God in mighty prayer, we have access to his mighty power for which we all need.