Why can’t I get answers quickly?
Do you ever have an urgent need for heavenly help, and it doesn’t come as quick as you would like?
During these times, I try to remember Nephi’s example by continually moving forward through the challenge and trusting God. He will show me the way, but often it is only one step at a time.
1 Nephi 4:6-7
And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do.
Nevertheless, I went forth….
I find this process frustrating because I usually want more than just one step of guidance at a time. Elder Utchdorf talked of this very thing at the MTC prior to our mission in 2022. He said:
Sometimes not having the answers is a blessing…..
Personal involvement is essential to our finding meaning not only in our work but in our personal lives and especially in our spiritual lives. Giving people all the answers to every question restricts creativity, limits the influence of the Spirit, and suffocates growth.
It is in the wrestling that we emerge from darkness into the light—that we receive divine inspiration and revelation. Our growth and increase often come because of the struggle. The journey is part of the goal.
This advice is certainly true for me as I think of the relentless obstacles as well as my personal growth while serving as a mission leader. I also know it is true for everyone no matter what situation they find themselves in.
I would like to share with you some ideas that I have learned that help me keep the right perspective when I wait for spiritual guidance:
It is perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed when things get difficult and it is hard to find answers to our problems, but we can’t just wait for answers. We must always use our brains to consider better or alternative ways of doing things, and at the same time continue to trust Him and His spirit to guide us.
Answers do not come quickly for a reason. There are times when it is God’s will that we are placed in uncomfortable situations, and it is not because we aren’t righteous or that he doesn’t love us. We are given these refining experiences so that we are required to learn what it really means to exercise faith in Him.
Cleave to your covenants and focus on those simple acts that at times seem unrelated to the issue that you are dealing with but will bring about faith and insight. The answers that you seek will come as you continue to seek after God, as you pray, as you ponder his holy word, as you attend the temple, and even during those times that you grow tired of doing those faithful things.
As you exercise faith, you will see that a trial isn’t just for one individual, but for all involved. We all can learn in whom we need to place our trust. The Lord is helping us become what He wants us to be. And amid discouragement, sadness, pain, and confusion, we will learn and feel His love, but His timing is paramount through all of it. Through the process, we receive the answers that we seek.